Lawn Spraying Clearwater

Does your lawn look dried up, or are bugs eating up your grass? Our lawn spraying program is an affordable solution to your lawn care problems. Swat Exterminating uses the best products available for lawn spraying Clearwater. We customize lawn-spraying and potash programs to meet the needs of your yard. We have been doing Lawn Spraying Clearwater and the Tampa Bay area for over 40 plus years. We save you time so that you can enjoy your yard on the weekends. So for best-in-class property maintenance, soil conditioning, and disease & pest control combined with family friendly pricing, call today for your Free Estimate.
Lawn Analysis & Treatment Plan

The experienced technicians at Swat Exterminating will do a complete lawn analysis to determine the problem and offer a solution that is effective and affordable. Typically, within a month or two, ask your technician to be sure, you will notice visible results in the healthiness of your lawn. In addition to fertilization, our Swat Technicians will also spray your lawn to prevent unwanted insects from taking up residence on your property. Ensuring that Pest Prevention is done for the lawn and along the outside of the home will create a barrier that will help keep pests out of the inside of the home.
Does This Describe Your Lawn?

- Weeds, bare patches, or brown spots in your yard
- Fleas, ticks, sod webworms (lawn moths) or other lawn pests
- Ants, chinch bugs, or grubs
- Fungus or other unrecognizable organisms
Pest Control

Swat Exterminating Lawn Spraying Treatments

If you want a thick, healthy looking lawn, then Lawn Spraying Clearwater treatments will help you achieve the look you desire for your home. Lawn spraying treatments will reduce and / or eliminate the infestations or insects. Sod webworms are some of the frequent infestations that are likely to look for a home in your yard. In addition to getting your lawn sprayed properly, keeping the grass mowed to about three inches tall also helps prevent the sod webworms from taking root in your lawn.
What Client’s Say
Swat Exterminating has an amazing team and top class service. I thought I would be paying top dollar, but their service is quite the value. They have exceeded my expectations and the technicians are very pet friendly. Highly recommended!
My wife heard rustling in our attic late at night. Turned out to be rats. Swat Exterminating came out the same day to set the traps. They even closed up the entry point as well. Rats were disposed of in a couple days. I will say it in French “Bravo” for their conscientious work!
Let me say something. You have a amazing technicians and awesome support. They helped me the same day! This is what I call an “extra mile” in customer relationship building. As a single Mom, I greatly appreciated the customer friendly pricing too.
Lawn Spraying in Clearwater For Insect Control

Lawn spraying is always as simple as it seems. There are a growing number of insects in Clearwater that can wreak havoc on your beautiful lawn. Some of these pests include common insects like snails, grubs, fire ants, etc. There are also lawn insects that inhabit lawns across the entire state of Florida; royal palm bugs and certain species of grasshoppers. Swat Exterminating knows that effective Lawn Spraying Clearwater also depends on a thorough understanding of insects and entomology. Swat Exterminating’s expert technicians apply their knowledge and experience to provide for you an effective lawn spraying solution. They will ask you a few questions just to determine the types of insects involved and the scope of the problem.
Best Lawn Spraying Clearwater

Lawn spraying is always as simple as it seems. There are a growing number of insects in Clearwater that can wreak havoc on your beautiful lawn. Some of these pests include common insects like snails, grubs, fire ants, etc. There are also lawn insects that inhabit lawns across the entire state of Florida; royal palm bugs and certain species of grasshoppers. Swat Exterminating knows that effective Lawn Spraying Clearwater also depends on a thorough understanding of insects and entomology. Swat Exterminating’s expert technicians apply their knowledge and experience to provide for you an effective lawn spraying solution. They will ask you a few questions just to determine the types of insects involved and the scope of the problem.
Disease Control – Lawn Spraying Clearwater

The foliage in our yard is susceptible to disease and illness just like we are. However, lawn and ornamental diseases can affect plant life for a long time. Clearwater has some common diseases to Florida, like gray leaf spot and brown patch fungus. To ensure that these plant diseases don’t take hold in your yard, Swat Exterminating Company utilizes environmentally safe products to keep your yard disease free, and keep out those pesky sod webworms.
Weed Control for Lawns

Weeds are a potential problem of any lawn in the Clearwater area. But Floridians have particular issues with weeds – year ’round – because our climate is so suited to their growth. With the number and variety of weeds in the Clearwater area, it can be difficult for the homeowner to identify them all – let alone get rid of them! Swat Exterminating’s comprehensive lawn spraying Clearwater, treats your lawn for weeds to prevent their growth. Swat Exterminating then provides you with a proposal for ongoing lawn care in Clearwater that will help to ensure a healthy lawn, which reduces weed growth and prevents damage from insects.
Aeration Helps Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn helps your lawn stay healthy. Aerating will also do the following:
- Controls thatches.
- Improves the healthiness of your soil.
- Will create pockets to help new roots grow.
- Facilities water reaching the root zone.
Lawn Spraying for Fertilization

To keep your yard the envy of the neighborhood, a steady diet of lawn spraying should be in your yards diet. We use top shelf products to care for your lawn. Swat Exterminating’s personalized lawn care program will help keep your yard green and keep the pests out. Please call our office today for free estimate.
Mowing – Grasscycling Clearwater
The Lawn Institute says the following about Mowing – Grasscycling:

Grasscycling [done while mowing you Clearwater, Fl lawn] is the act of allowing grass clippings to remain on the lawn after mowing to return nutrients back to the soil.
The fertilizer content of typical grass clippings (by percent of weight) is: Nitrogen (N) = 4%, Potassium (P) = 2%, and Phosphorus (K) = 0.5%. Grasscycling throughout the mowing season can actually reduce your need for fertilizers[…]. Grass clippings are thus too valuable to throw away.
A standard discharge lawn mower, with either rotary or reel type blade configurations, can be used for grasscycling without problems as long as you follow the one-third rule. Mulching (grasscycling or recycling) mowers are specifically designed to finely chop grass clippings and return them to the lawn to return nutrients to the soil.
Some rotary mowers offer multiple options, allowing you to use standard discharge, to mulch clippings, or to collect clippings in a bagging unit for disposal.
Grasscycling also saves the labor of collecting and bagging clippings and it reduces the “yard waste” component in landfills.
Based on a 1992 study, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) estimated that “yard trimmings” including grass clippings, leaves, branches, brush and other plant materials, accounted for 17.9% of the total municipal solid waste, by percent of weight. [implementing grasscycling & lawn spraying in Clearwater will dramatically improve your lawn’s health and appearance].
Since 1960, when yard trimmings accounted for 22.8% of the total, this percentage has declined each decade, as follows: 1970 – 19.0%; 1980 – 18.2%; 1990 – 17.9%. Grasscycling is the primary reason these percentages have dropped – and continue to drop.
Most, if not all, studies of municipal solid waste are based on curb-side or landfill destination truck weights. Accordingly, 100 pounds of grass clippings weigh the same as a 100-pound refrigerator and they would be considered “equal” contributors to a landfill.
However, grass clippings are 90% water. The remaining 10% is very degradable, unlike the refrigerator and many other landfill components such as plastics, metals, glass, construction debris, etc.
If calculated at their dry weight, grass clippings would not be more than 2% of the total landfill volume and this volume will biodegrade very rapidly, helping to improve landfill soils and assist in degrading other organic matter.
Mowing 1,000 square feet (92.9 square meters) of lawn will generate 200 pounds (90.718 kg) of clippings annually. One ton (.9 metric ton) of clippings will contribute only 200 pounds (90.718 kg) of decayed matter to a landfill.
But why would you want to expend the time and labor to collect and dispose of grass clippings, when grasscycling is such an obvious benefit to your lawn – and the environment? Grasscycling saves cents and makes good sense.
“Mowing – Grasscycling.” The Lawn Institute. The Lawn Institute, n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017.